Roasted Green Beans & Brussels Sprouts - Real Food Whole Life

Ketogenic Recipes: Green Beans and Sprouts

Green beans and sprouts, both integral parts of the plant-based diet spectrum, offer a variety of nutritional benefits and culinary uses, making them popular among diverse eating habits and cultures around the world. Before delving into specifics about each, it’s important to understand their basic characteristics and nutritional profiles, as well as how they differ from each other in terms of cultivation, culinary use, and health benefits.

Green Beans and Sprouts Recipe

Roasted Green Beans & Brussels Sprouts - Real Food Whole Life

Green Beans and Sprouts

Green beans and sprouts both play a significant role in the plant-based diet spectrum, renowned for their nutritional benefits and versatility in culinary applications worldwide. Green beans, or string beans, come from the unripe fruit and pods of the common bean and can be enjoyed in various forms such as steamed, stir-fried, or baked. They're particularly rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, folate, and vitamin K, contributing to heart health and improved digestion.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Lunch
Cuisine American
Servings 2 people
Calories 689 kcal


  • 1 pressure cooker


  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1 Tbsp. Honey
  • 1 Tbsp. Olive oil
  • 1/2 c. Vegetable stock
  • 1 Chopped onion
  • 2 c. Brussels sprouts
  • 1 c. Green beans


  • With this recipe, you will need to place the vegetable stock and honey into a bowl and then whisk them together.
  • Now it is time to take out the pressure cooker and make sure it is cleaned out before adding in the oil and the onion. When the onion is tender, throw in the Dijon mustard, green beans, and Brussels sprouts and mix around.
  • Pour your honey on top of the vegetables before sealing the lid to the pressure cooker. This meal is going to need to cook at a high pressure for about five minutes.
  • After this time, allow a few minutes to let the pressure out before drizzling on some oil to the vegetables and serving.
Keyword Brussels sprouts, Green beans

Cooking Tips about Green Beans and Sprouts

Southwest Brussels and Beans - A Spicy Perspective

  • Trimming: Begin by washing the green beans in cold water. Trim off the ends with a knife or simply snap them off with your fingers. This step prepares the beans for cooking and ensures they are free from any tough parts.
  • Cooking Methods: Green beans can be cooked in various ways:
    • Boiling: To preserve their color and nutrients, boil green beans briefly (blanching) for 3-5 minutes until they are bright green and tender.
    • Steaming: Steaming green beans for about 5 minutes helps retain their crispness and nutritional value.
    • Stir-frying: For a quick and flavorful option, stir-fry green beans with garlic, soy sauce, and a touch of sesame oil until they are tender-crisp.
    • Roasting: Toss green beans with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper, then roast in a 425°F (220°C) oven for 20-25 minutes for a deliciously caramelized side dish.
  • Seasoning: Green beans pair well with a variety of seasonings, including lemon zest, almonds, dill, thyme, and Parmesan cheese. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite.
  • Rinsing: Always rinse sprouts thoroughly under cold water before using them to remove any dirt or bacteria. This is particularly important for sprouts grown in water, like bean or alfalfa sprouts.
  • Raw: Sprouts are often eaten raw and can be added to salads, sandwiches, and wraps for extra crunch and nutrition. Mixed sprouts salad with lemon vinaigrette is a refreshing and healthy option.
  • Cooking: If you prefer cooked sprouts, they can be lightly sautéed or stir-fried for a few minutes. This method works well for larger sprouts like mung bean. Adding them towards the end of the cooking process preserves their crunch and nutrients.
  • Sprouting at Home: You can also sprout seeds at home. Soak the seeds overnight, then drain and rinse them. Place them in a jar covered with cheesecloth and rinse several times a day until sprouts form, usually within 3-5 days.

Serving suggestions about Green Beans and Sprouts

Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Green Beans ⋆ Only 30 Minutes!

Green Beans:

  • As a Side Dish: Toss steamed or roasted green beans with almond slivers, a squeeze of lemon, and a sprinkle of sea salt for a simple yet flavorful side.
  • In Salads: Cool, blanched green beans cut into bite-sized pieces make a great addition to grain salads or a traditional Niçoise salad, offering a crisp texture and a pop of color.
  • Casserole: For a comforting meal, mix green beans with mushroom soup and top with crispy fried onions, then bake until bubbly for a classic green bean casserole.
  • With Pasta: Chop green beans and add them to pasta dishes for extra crunch and nutrition. They pair wonderfully with pesto sauce and cherry tomatoes.


  • In Sandwiches and Wraps: Raw sprouts add a crunchy texture and a burst of freshness to sandwiches and wraps. They go particularly well with turkey, cheese, and avocado in a whole grain wrap.
  • Salad Toppers: Sprinkle a handful of raw sprouts over your favorite salad for added nutrients. A mixed greens salad with vinaigrette, sprouts, nuts, and feta cheese is a delightful combination.
  • Stirred into Soups: Lightly cooked or raw sprouts can be stirred into soups just before serving. This works especially well with Asian-inspired broths and noodle soups, adding texture and a slight bite.
  • Sautéed as a Side: For a warm dish, quickly sauté mung bean sprouts with a little bit of garlic, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Serve this as a nutrient-dense side dish that pairs well with grilled meats or tofu.

Top 5 FAQs about Green Beans and Sprouts

Roasted Green Beans and Brussels Sprouts - Lauren from Scratch

  • What are the nutritional benefits of green beans and sprouts?
    Green beans are low in calories and rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, folate, and vitamin K, making them beneficial for heart health and digestion. Sprouts, due to their germination process, have heightened levels of nutrients including vitamins and minerals, offering enhanced nutritional value compared to their unsprouted counterparts.
  • How do green beans and sprouts differ in terms of cultivation? Green beans are the young fruit and protective pods of the common bean plant, harvested before they fully ripen. They grow in a variety of climates and require soil, sunlight, and water. Sprouts, on the other hand, are seeds that have begun to germinate, requiring only water and a controlled environment for a few days to grow, without the need for soil or sunlight initially.
  • Can green beans and sprouts be eaten raw? Green beans are typically cooked before consumption to enhance flavor and digestibility, although younger, tender beans can be eaten raw in small amounts. Sprouts are often consumed raw, especially in salads, sandwiches, and wraps, but should be thoroughly rinsed to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. Cooking sprouts is also an option and recommended for those with compromised immune systems.
  • What are some popular ways to prepare green beans and sprouts? Green beans can be steamed, boiled, stir-fried, or roasted, and pair well with flavors like lemon, almond, and Parmesan. Sprouts can be enjoyed raw in salads or sandwiches, lightly sautéed or stir-fried, or added to soups. Both can be used in a variety of dishes to add nutritional value and texture.
  • How can I include green beans and sprouts in my diet? Incorporate green beans into side dishes, salads, casseroles, and pasta dishes for added nutrients and flavor. Use sprouts as a crunchy addition to sandwiches, wraps, and salads, or sauté them for a warm side dish. Experimenting with these versatile ingredients in different recipes can help increase your intake of valuable vitamins and minerals.

In conclusion, both green beans and sprouts represent valuable components within the plant-based diet spectrum, celebrated for their distinct nutritional profiles and the versatility they offer in culinary realms across the globe. Green beans, with their crisp texture and beneficial array of vitamins and minerals, serve as a delicious and healthful addition to a variety of dishes. Their ability to be cooked in multiple ways—from steaming to roasting—allows them to beautifully complement a wide range of flavors and ingredients.


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